As a longstanding BIID and national award-winning interior design practice, we understand the design challenges you face; matching client taste, structural nuance and a specific visual palette in fine detail.
That is why we offer you something different to complete your schemes. With a linen heritage dating back to 1733, we are uniquely placed to help you source and supply your clients with home linens that are truly tailored for them.
This brings you a level of finished design that outshines your competition and adds a tangible and repeating sense of loyalty from your client back to you. We make this part easy!
With over 60 years of professional interior design experience, we understand the value of collaboration.
The Woods' family has also been associated with the finest linens as mercers, weavers and producers since 1733. Our wealth of wisdom is your untapped resource to avoid off-the-shelf bed linen, bedding and towels compromising your interior design.
We are happy to personally assist you with all manner of luxury home linens which are exclusive and customised especially for your design, the finishing touches, if you will.
Naturally evolved by you.
Customers who employ interior designers to re-model, style and redecorate their home expect a lot and why shouldn’t they?
This is why it is imperative to deliver tailored linens which you and they can trust. We don’t expect you to understand why one linen is better than another, we arm you with the options, the reasons why and the reliability to ensure smooth ‘after-supply’ relations.

Naturally evolved by you.

Your style.
We work with your style, whether modern or period and help you quickly provide solutions which fit the bill.
No one else has our depth of understanding across the breadth of home linens, whether it is outstanding kitchen linens, table linens, towelling, bath robes, handmade beds, bedding and bed linen. We can be your go-to place of trust.

For the trade, by the trade.
A simple telephone call or email will open up a world of possibilities for you. Reputable expert guidance will be on hand, sampling and trade pricing will allow you room for reward for your endeavour.